Prmoment India 30 Under 30 LinkedIn as a Strategic PR Channel in 2025 PRmoment Leaders PRmoment PR Masterclass: The intersection of data, planning and measurement

The Future of Influence

Location: Holiday Inn, Aerocity Asset Area 12, Aero City Hospitality District, New Delhi, Delhi 110037
Organiser: PRmoment India in partnership with Simulations
Price: 10000 rupees

A brand’s reputation today plays out not only in the pages of ‘ The Economic Times’, or on a CNN News 18 telecast but also on Facebook status updates by customers. And in between these two points are a wealth of ‘influencers’; from credible bloggers to bought distributors of information to mainstream journalists and brand representatives such as Anand Mahindra who are influencers in turn.

How to make sense of this; who to target and who to ignore? In order to make sense of the ‘Future of Influencing’ for brands we have a range of speakers who will share their views on this key topics. Because, never has reputation mattered more.



Registration, coffee and informal networking


Chairperson’s Introduction
Paarul Chand, Editor, PRmoment


Keynote Address

Evolving Brand Reputation: The Nestlé experience
Suresh Narayanan, Chairman and Managing Director -Nestlé India Ltd

10. 30 am

The return of credible influencers: A media perspective 
Zakka Jacob, Deputy Executive News Editor and Senior News Anchor, CNN News 18

10. 55 am

Role of Communications in the changing world
Deepa Dey, Head of Communications, GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare

11. 25 am

Tea, coffee, biscuits and informal networking

11. 45 am Consumer, Influencer, Activist, Ambassador: Communicating to the four-headed Modern Indian
Amit Naryanan, National Reputation Lead, Executive Vice President, Edelman

12. 10 pm

'How can Facebook best be used in India for influencer engagement'. 
Carson Dalton, Head of Corporate Communications, Facebook India

12.35 pm

How brands can build their own circles of influence
• Identifying relevant channels of influence
Ruchika Mehta, Corporate Director, Communications and Public Relations with, 'The Park Hotels'
@ruchikamehta_ ( Instagram)


Channels of Influence
Suresh Vaidyanathan, head, corporate communications, Mobikwik India  



Agency CEO Panel Discussion: Influence in India

Rakesh Thukral, managing director, Edelman India 

Nikhil Khanna, Managing Director, Avian Media 

Atul Sharma , Chief operating Officer, Genesis Burson-Marsteller

  • Has the proliferation of influencers across social and digital media made planning campaigns more difficult?

  • What are the challenges in understanding the new demands of influencers?

  • How to create content in real time for influencer distribution?

  • Balancing reach to the requirements of specific audience


Closing remarks
Shailesh Goyal, Founder & Director, Simulations


Lunch and networking


I have attended several PRmoment India conferences since they first began in 2014 and always find them useful. Not only do they feature the latest thinking by brands via the in-house communication leads, but also give a platform to the next generation of PR professionals by featuring speakers from the 30 under 30 PR community. Very well organised, highly professional and great speakers.  A PRmoment conference is always a great learning experience.
Shravani Dang, vice president & global group head of corporate communications at the Avantha Group

 “PRmoment India communication conferences clearly stand out in terms of curation of content and quality of audiences. Have greatly enjoyed sharing my views on topics as varied as ‘The Future of PR’, ‘Digital Integration’ and ‘Creativity in PR and Marketing’ and in doing so personally learnt a lot through the interactions and the amazing networking opportunities. Meticulous planning, a crisp format and focus on contemporary topics ensures in-depth engagement with peers and industry through leaders. It’s always been a pleasure to speak at a PRmoment conference.
Sujit M Patil – VP and Head Corporate Communications, Godrej Industries Limited and Associate Companies

Avian Media has repeatedly partnered with PRmoment’s events in India. What I love about the conferences is that you get intelligent insight from in house experts in an engaging format. PRmoment do a great job of keeping the event topics fresh and relevant for what is happening in PR in India right now! For Avian they are a must attend event.
Nitin Mantri, CEO, Avian Media

PR professionals in India do not spend enough time learning. PRmoment’s conferences provide an excellent opportunity to share best practice and hear from top level in-house experts about their most successful campaigns. Adfactors have supported every PRmoment conference to date because they provide our employees with a convenient, informative and relevant learning platform.
Madan Bahal, Managing Director, Adfactors

The team at PRmoment India are great to work with, highly professional with thorough attention to detail. The content of the events is excellent, our team definitely find them useful learning exercises and the networking at PRmoment events is especially enjoyable because it provides the dual opportunity to talk to India’s up and coming communications talent and the senior players, both agency side and in-house, of India’s PR and communications community.
Rakesh Thukral, Managing Director, Edelman India