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The best jobs in PR

Do chocolates, koala bears and spas figure in your job? No? Well, for some lucky PR folks it’s all in a day’s work.  These communications professionals may just have a job that would make you totally envious.

Anjali Ray, client operations lead 2 at The PRactice

Dream Job factor: South Australian wines and cute, cuddly fur babies

Anjaly Ray who handles the ‘South Australia Tourism Commission’ account says her job feels like a perpetual vacation!

Anjali Ray posing with a “ I’m too cool for selfies’," koala bear in Adelaide, Australia !

Says Ray, “ I have climbed the roof of the Adelaide Oval, got up close and personal with Australian wildlife on Kangaroo Island, tasted some of the premium Australian wines and even learned how they are made, experienced luxury properties like Southern Ocean Lodge, visited Australia’s best beaches and enjoyed world class cuisine; all of this while on the job!”

Vignesh Nair, corporate & government affairs, Mondelez India
Dream Job Factor: A work day that involves chocolate! Enough said.

A well considered food blogger, Vignesh Nair can often be found baking on a weekend or hobnobbing with Masterchef contestants. His day job, however, involves PR for chocolate maker Mondelez.

Vignesh Nair at a Mondelez event

Says Nair, “Whenever I passed by Cadbury House in South Mumbai, when I was young, I always thought how awesome it would be to work for a chocolate company. Working for a company with such a strong legacy and who makes some of India's favourite food brands like ‘Cadbury Dairy Milk’ is indeed a dream come true for me.”

Radhika Mehta, partner associate - Brands, Sports & Entertainment, Genesis Burson-Marsteller

Dream Job Factor: Sidharth Malhotra! Sidharth Malhotra! Sidharth Malhotra!

Radhika Mehta’s job with the Brands, Sports and Entertainment division of Genesis Burson-Marsteller gives her ample opportunity to hang out with the stars of the sporting and film world.

Radhika Mehta with Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra

Says Mehta, “During my trip with Sidharth Malhotra to New Zealand, I got the opportunity to meet several influencers like the New Zealand Prime Minister, New Zealand cricket legends like Stephen Fleming and be an active contributor to the formulation for the Indian campaign.”

Karl Webster, cluster director of PR and communications at Anantara Resorts and Spas,The Maldives

Dream Job Factor: Working largely speaking on a sandbank sort of makes it different to everything and anything

Karl Webster was headhunted through international recruiters for this job that involves looking after four five- and six-star properties.

Says Webster, “ Working in what is effectively paradise on a day-to-day basis speaks for itself. I wake-up to the sun and it is the same at the end of the day, everyday. Being an international company requires travel to key feeder markers, which I really enjoy. I also feel that what I am doing makes a difference to the brand. Finally, I'm working in a new cultural environment meeting new and diverse people, something I thrive on.”

Andrew Bareh, senior consulting associate Brands, Sports & Entertainment, Genesis Burson-Marsteller

Dream Job factor: Sports and more sports!

Andrew Bareh spends his day helping to promote sports stars across various games. Bareh helped, for instance, to launch the first ‘Women Kabaddi Championship’ in India.

Say Bareh, “The dynamic nature of sports PR is what makes me look forward to every day.

The fact that very few people get to work alongside football legends, Kabaddi champions, cricket legends or polo players is a great opportunity.

Andrew Bareh with Welsh footballer and coach Ryan Joseph Giggs, who also co-owns Salford City football club

Sports PR also gets you up close and personal with the nuances of the game; giving one a chance to appreciate and be a subject matter expert on it.”

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