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5 life lessons learnt from trekking from Raj Sharma

Altitude- 15750 feet | Height- 4801 mts | Temperature- Zero degree | Acute Mountain Sickness | Bruises | Blood | Tears | Acrophobia | 11 days in Extreme weather condition | Surviving on the minimum | H.A.P.E | Hallucinations | A climb through the road -less travelled. But it’s all worth it upon reaching the Summit !

Can’t believe it happened. Yes ! I was dumbstruck and my soul seduced, the moment I conquered the glorious peak.

It was last June when I decided to go on an expedition to a glacial lake- ‘Roopkund’, famed for the mysterious ancient skeletons that float in it. The picturesque lake sits high in the Uttarakhand region of the Indian Himalayas, with romanticism at its best. The trekking trail began from gurgling brooks and dense virgin forests which opened into miles of magnificent meadows to snow clad peaks, eventually leading to the emerald lake. 

This was my first- ever trek and was certainly a life changing experience that taught me a million things in just 11 days. Out of many, here are the top 5 lessons that I learnt while I was consumed by wanderlust all through.

 1. Never give up
Life has never been, nor will it be a bed of roses. There will always be setbacks and challenges, not just at workplace or home but even on a trek such as- a broken trekking pole, a leaky tent or a twisted ankle. However, one has to strive against all odds and learn to ‘never give up’.

2. The only way to go is ‘up’
Once you are on a trek especially with a team, there is no turning back. Hence, the only way is to trudge forward. Here, mindset and determination plays an important role so ensure you have it all in- place. Just remember, there’s a sweet trophy waiting for you at the top.

3. You have the control
Prepare for the worst; whether in life or in mountains. It is crucial to get a clear view of at least two steps ahead and behind you. This lets you prepare well (in- advance) and take control of things even when they fall apart.

4. Things will be worth it, in the end
Nothing comes easy whether an increment in job or a great view from the summit. Just ensure best efforts throughout the journey and rest is assured- your struggles will always have ‘happy endings’. Each endeavour will pay off well.

5. Worrying does nothing
Before a trek, one generally has a lot of apprehensions and doubts. Often such worrying turns into an endless practice, deviating you from the actual glory. So, put a stop to all that and head- out focussing on the charm your trek has to offer.

Night and days of climbing the mountain is a heart pounding thrill. It brought out the best and worst in me, helping me get lost and then rise again; this time- above my own head and shoulders !

Raj Sharma is editor, content and based in NCR.

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