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PRCAI elects a new managing committee,  Nitin Mantri continues as president

The Public Relations Consultants Association of India (PRCAI), the apex body of communications and public relations consultancies, elected Nitin Mantri, CEO, Avian Media, as president, Sunayna Malik, managing director, Text 100,as vice president and Aman Gupta, managing partner, SPAG Asia, as secretary, at its elections held at the Annual General Meeting of the Association on May 6, 2016.

 The PRCAI also has a strong North, South, East and West regional network which provides cohesive and uniform support to members. The regional chapter heads elected are Rohit Srivastava, Melcole PR, as chairperson north chapter; Sumathi Chari, PRHUB, as chairperson, south chapter; Paresh Chaudhary, Madison PR, as chairperson, west chapter; and Basav Bhattacharya, Integral PR, as chairperson, east chapter. 

The tenure of all the above positions wil run from May 1, 2016 to April 30, 2018.

Set up in October 2001, PRCAI is a trade association that represents India’s public relations consultancy sector, while providing a forum to government, public bodies, industry associations, trade and others to work with public relations consultants.

Nitin Mantri, president PRCAI, said, "Along with the new team, we intend to continue focussing on the areas of knowledge, ethics and expertise, and, create more platforms for the industry to showcase its feats.”

PRCAI has been representing the industry for nearly 15 years. In the past year, PRCAI aligned with the European Public Affairs Consultancies' Association (EPACA) to set norms for government engagement aimed at a higher level of transparency.

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