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PRmoment Health Comms Awards Shortlist for 2024 Announced

The PRmoment Health Comms Awards 2024 shortlist is now out.

Congratulations to all the companies shortlisted for the fourth edition of 'The PRmoment Health Comms Award 2024'

Well done to all those of you who are shortlisted and we hope to see you at the online awards evening on the 26 of July, 2024 at 5.30 PM where your peers will celebrate excellence in health communications.

Commiserations to all those of you who were not shortlisted this year, it's the worst part of our jobs telling people they didn't quite make it.

A special thanks to all our judges who went out of their way to support this endeavour, patiently going through entries and offering insights.

To register for the virtual awards ceremony on July 26th please click here.

Shortlist (In alphabetical order) 

Category Company Shortlisted
Celebrity/Health Influencer Campaign
Edelman Edelman, GSK, Project 90: The virus that took over celebrity
Hill & Knowlton India Hope To Happiness (Ferty9), Entrant name - Hill & Knowlton
DR. Reddy's Laboratories and SPAG, a FINN PArtners Company #TensionMatLo
Medtronic Medtronic,
Dentsu Creative, #TimeToDecideDestiny Stroke Awareness
Best Communications Campaign Pharma,
Biotech and Biopharma
GCI Health  Cipla - #Tuffies - GCI Health India
Sun Pharma Second Birth Date 
Communication Campaign -Wellness,

Consumer Healthcare Products And Lifestyle
Hill & Knowlton India Hill & Knowlton, American India Foundation, DI-verse:
Disability Inclusive Place to Work
Hill & Knowlton India Hope To Happiness (Ferty9), Entrant name - Hill & Knowlton
Concept Public Relations India Ltd  Magniflex India - Invest In Your Sleep
BCW India ITC Fiama -
Feel Good with Fiama Mental Well-being Survey -
Best Community Engagement Healthcare
GCI Health India  Organon - #ImplantWeTrust 
Hill & Knowlton India Lets Get Tested TB ALert India
Concept Public Relations India Ltd Manipal Hospitals, Royal
Challengers of Bangalore
  Roche Diagnostics India Raho Dil Se Fit
Lupin's Exclusive Diabetes PSP (Patient Support Program)
Engagement Or Campaign For Women's
Medtronic  Medtronic, Dentsu Creative, What's your rhythm
Communications Group
Entrant Name -
Teamwork Communications Group ; Client Name -
Bayer; Campaign Name: #PreserveTheUterus
Best External Health Communications
Hill & Knowlton India Hill & Knowlton, American India Foundation, DI-verse:
Disability Inclusive Place to Work
Hill & Knowlton India Hope To Happiness (Ferty9), Entrant name - Hill & Knowlton
Burson India  Vicks - Genesis BCW
DR. Reddy's Laboratories and SPAG, a FINN PArtners Company  Nerivio
Medtronic #TimeToDecideDestiny
Stroke Awareness Campaign

Health Awareness and Education Campaign
Apollo Be Pro Health

Lupin Lupin Jeet

Edelman Edelman India, GSK, Adult Immunisation: Awareness to Action
(Preventive Health Communication)

Teamwork Communications Group Entrant Name - Teamwork Communications Group ; Client Name - ENTOD
Pharmaceuticals ; Campaign Name: #MoreGreenLessScreen

GCI Health India 

Lupin - #BeyondThePill

Lupin's Exclusive Diabetes PSP (Patient Support Program)
Best Health CSR Campaign Hill & Knowlton India Hill & Knowlton, American India Foundation, DI-verse:
Disability Inclusive Place to Work

Biocon Group  Oral cancer care program 
Health Tech Startup Campaign
Teamwork Communications Group Entrant Name - Teamwork Communications Group ; Client Name -
Medulance ; Campaign Name: #EmergencyCarein11Minutes

The Mavericks Haystack Analytics for Genome Sequencing
Best Integrated Health Communications
Hill & Knowlton India Hope To Happiness (Ferty9), Entrant name - Hill & Knowlton

Hill & Knowlton India Let's Get Tested Campaign (TB Alert India)

Edelman India Private Limited Edelman & Alcon | See Brilliantly, Live Brilliantly

Dr Reddy Laboratories and SPAG #TensionMatLo

GCI Health  Cipla - #Tuffies 

Medtronic Synpase, Win Over Varicose

Roche Diagnostics India BeYourOwnShero- International Women's Day Campaign

Hill &
Knowlton India
Hill &
Knowlton, American India Foundation, DI-verse:
Disability-Inclusive Place to Work
Internal Health Communications
Avian WE Bharat Serums and Vaccines Ltd, Womentoring

Hill &
Knowlton India
Let's Get
Tested Campaign (TB Alert India), Entrant name - Hill
& Knowlton
Best Media Relations/Engagement For Health
Edelman Edelman, GSK, Sparking the shingles storm in the media - Our
journey from 0 to 1,200+ conversations

Hill & Knowlton India Let's Get Tested Campaign (TB Alert India), Entrant name - Hill
& Knowlton

Hill & Knowlton India #WASHForAll- WaterAid India, (Entrant- Hill and Knowlton)

Dr. Reddy's
Laboratories Ltd. and SPAG, A FINN Partners
Nerivio for Migraine
Product Launch Campaign
Edelman Edelman, GSK, Bare, not Bear, the shingles pain

Hill & Knowlton India American India Foundation, DI-verse:
Disability Inclusive Place to Work

Adfactors PR Adfactors PR, Elekta and MR-Linac Unity Launch

Dr. Reddy's
Laboratories Ltd. and SPAG, A FINN Partners

Nerivio for Migraine Relief 
Best Social Impact Campaign Hill & Knowlton India #WASHForAll- WaterAid India

Teamwork Communications Group for Apollo Telemedicine Networking Foundation
 (ATNF) ; Campaign Name:
Megh CAN Care

Concept Public
Relations India Ltd

Manipal Hospitals Enterprises Pvt Ltd, Inked With
Social Media Campaign For Health Comms
Edelman Edelman, GSK, BTS of Instagram’s battle with the Project 90

BCW India ITC Savlon - Haath Dhona Cool Hai

Hill &
Knowlton India
Let's Get
Tested Campaign (TB Alert India), Entrant name - Hill
& Knowlton
Best Sustainability Campaign Hill & Knowlton India Hill & Knowlton, American India Foundation, DI-verse:
Disability Inclusive Place to Work

Cipla CARE
Cascade campaign
Use Of Owned Media /Content
Cipla Ltd The Cipla Story

Cipla Ltd Cipla Force For Good

The winners of the following categories will be announced on the night of the awards event:

1) Agency Of The Year - Social Impact and Policy Communications

2) Agency Team Of The Year - Private Sector Hospitals

3) Best CRO Communication, B2B

4) Best Public Affairs Health Campaign

5) Excellence in Patient Communications

6) Best Use of Podcast for Health Awareness

7) Communication Agency Of The Year- Healthcare Communication - Medium (Between 8 And 12 Crores.

Thank you to our title sponsor Hill and Knowlton India for their support. 

Hill and Knowlton India

Thanks also to our Gold sponsor GCI Health.

GCI Health India

We also thank our knowledge partner, HEAL Foundation for resource support.

HEAL Foundation

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