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Ruder Finn India drop their first NFT, announcing communications mandate for WazirX NFT Marketplace

Ruder Finn, a global, integrated communications consultancy, has won the communications mandate for WazirX NFT Marketplace- a non-fungible tokens (NFTs) marketplace. 

Cementing this win, Ruder Finn India jumps on the NFT bandwagon by being the first-ever communication agency in India to mint its own NFT.

“With Ruder Finn India, we aim to drive communication for the growing scope of NFTs in India. Pioneering the NFT segment in India and South Asia, WazirX NFT Marketplace provides unique opportunities to our native creators and artists to sell their digital works and boost their incomes. Building on Ruder Finn’s diversified knowledge and experience, we want to educate end-users about the scope of NFTs as we expand our footprint in the NFT business,” Vishakha Singh, VP, WazirX NFT Marketplace.

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