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SPAG launches employee engagement & employer branding practice, EMPOWER

SPAG has announced the launch of its employee engagement & employer branding practice SPAG EMPOWER.

The practice aims to help organisations harness the potential of their employees with a holistic internal communications approach. According to a recent study by Gatehouse, internal communications approaches are being adopted by only 50% of business organisations.

Through EMPOWER, SPAG will help organizations at various stages of employee engagement to analyze their strategy and organizational objectives. This will be achieved through internal communication strategy audits, employee surveys and employee feedbacks, that will be further worked upon by research and behavioral science experts.

Talking about the purpose and intent of EMPOWER, Abhinav Srivastava, chief operating officer, SPAG expressed, “Organisations are slowly recognising power of integrating value and business strategy to strengthen employee engagement, with EMPOWER we aim to work with the companies to achieve it for them.  We believe employee engagement and internal communications will re-define the paradigm for the new world organisations in achieving the requisite bottom line.”

Speaking about the launch, Aman Gupta, managing partner and co-founder, SPAG said, “The times to come will be unique in more ways than one and the workplace challenges that tag along will be immense too. It’s time that organizations invest in long-term, yet flexible strategies for their employees.”

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