After what he call a "short and fruitful stint" at Twitter India as head of corporate communications, Suresh Vaidyanathan has now taken over as director, corporate communications at the digital wallet firm, Mobikwik. He will also look after government relations. Mobikwik is one of India's largest digital wallet with 55 Million registerd users. The recent demonotisation has given a strong push to electronic payment systems and fin tech sector.
Confirming the news Vaidyanathan, told PRmoment India that, "Mobikwik is in the forefront of driving PM Modi's vision of making India a truly cash-less society. I am delighted to join the fast growing fintech and digital payments sector under the dynamic leadership of the Mobikwik founders Bipin Preet Singh and Upasana Taku.The growth, excitement and satisfaction is immense in a start-up culture like Mobikwik where sky is truly the limit and I eagerly look forward to scaling new heights in communications strategy and branding."
Former journalist Vaidyanathan has over 18+ years of experience in managing PR, crisis and reputation for a host of MNCs notably Huawei and Twitter India.
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