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Twitter chat: Ask the #PRGuru expert panel anything in the second of our Twitter chats

Do you have any questions regarding women in PR and PR measurement? Well, our expert PR Guru panel will answer your questions on Twitter next Friday. PR Guru is a unique effort to get the best minds in PR in India to answer your burning questions about PR.

Please join up on Friday, 1st of April, at 4 PM for a tweet up with the #PRGuru expert panel.

The #PRGuru Tweet Up 

Expert Guests

Aniruddha Atul Bhagwat, co-founder & director, Ideosphere Consulting Private Limited
Sujit Patil, vice president and head of corporate communications Godrej Industries Limited and associate companies
Kunal Kishore Sinha, founder director, Value 360 Communications Pvt. Limited
Deepa Thomas, senior corporate communications professional
Paarul Chand, editor, PRmoment India


Event Details 

Date: 1st April, 2016
Time:  4 PM- 4.30 PM 
Topic 1: Women in PR 
Topic 2: Cracking PR measurement

Hashtag: #PRGuru 

Tweet @PRmomentIndia / @Paarulc with any questions about Integrated PR or Handling journalists for the expert panel 

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