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Wizikey and PRPOI unveil the 2023 edition of the State of PR and Comms Report

Wizikey and PRPOI, have together released a survey to assess the state of PR and communications

The survey was held across a set of 207 respondents across entry, mid, and CXO levels in the communication industry, independent agencies, and corporate communication organizations. 

Take a look at the infographic on the report:

The key findings include:

Businesses- Inhouse 

  • ·9 out of 10 brands have faced no impact from the downturn. PR and comms continue to be the most essential marketing element for organizations, taking in 25% of the pie, with social media following at a close second.

  • Building trust and credibility remains the most important aspect of PR. This is especially true in a post-pandemic world, with a whopping 57.7% confirming this.

  • Larger organizations still have it good, with organizations with over 500 employee strengths showing the most stability.

PR Firms

  • Almost 50% of agencies are facing an impact from the economic downturn in the market with their current clients due to budget cuts or decreased PR activities. 53% see no impact on new business development.

Tarunjeet Rattan, founder – of PRPOI said, “The survey findings re-emphasize a lot of the empirical data that you hear in conversations. This survey captures the overall sentiment in the industry and reconfirms that Public Relations is in a robust space and its capacity to steer brand narrative has only increased in the past few years. It is a great snapshot of the industry overall and instils confidence in the state of PR.”

Commenting on the survey findings Aakriti Bhargava, co-founder, of Wizikey said, “PR is always at the rescue for companies during rough times. It will not be surprising to see companies adopt new communication tactics to survive and thrive in these difficult times. Building trust and credibility will be a critical factor for companies to survive the ongoing economic environment.”


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