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Can health tech drive advocacy for women's reproductive rights: PRmoment Health Communications Review

PRmoment's weekly 'Healthcare Communications Review' column looks at the biggest healthcare trends every week and analyses the communications implications. In partnership with SPAG, A Finn Partners Company.

With the overturning of Roe vs Wade by the US Supreme Court last year, women's reproductive rights have never been under greater attack in modern times.

Recently the International Day of Action for Women's Health marked the event's theme as, "Our Voices, Our Actions, Our Demand: Uphold women’s health and rights now!" 

The organisers said, "This May 28, we highlight that an attack on SRHR anywhere attacks all our rights everywhere. Therefore, addressing these critical issues is a matter of globally concerted efforts, multisectoral and intersectional collaboration, and seeking accountability on a global scale. May 28 is also a time to celebrate and take encouragement from the hard-fought gains in health and SRHR won by social movements worldwide."

Can Health Tech help?

By moving tech and the data it can provide here are the top ways women's reproductive health advocates can drive effective campaigns.

  • Empowering Women with Data: Health tech data plays a crucial role in advocating for women's reproductive rights by providing accurate and comprehensive information to women about their reproductive health. Access to real-time data on contraception, fertility, menstrual cycles, and pregnancy can empower women to make informed decisions about their reproductive choices and take control of their own bodies.
  • Highlighting Disparities: Health tech data can reveal existing disparities in women's reproductive healthcare access and outcomes, shedding light on inequalities and advocating for change. By analyzing data on factors such as maternal mortality rates, access to contraception, and availability of reproductive health services, advocates can identify areas where improvements are needed and advocate for policy changes to address these disparities.
  • Addressing Stigma and Taboos: Reproductive health issues, such as abortion, contraception, and sexually transmitted infections, are often surrounded by stigma and taboos. Health tech data can help challenge these societal norms by providing evidence-based information and dispelling myths and misconceptions. By presenting data on the safety and effectiveness of reproductive health services, advocates can counter misinformation and promote accurate understanding, leading to more open and informed discussions about women's reproductive rights.
  • Monitoring Policy Impact: Health tech data can be instrumental in monitoring the impact of policies and regulations related to women's reproductive rights. By tracking key indicators such as abortion rates, contraceptive use, and access to reproductive healthcare services, advocates can assess the effectiveness of existing policies and advocate for evidence-based changes. Data-driven advocacy can ensure that policies align with the needs and rights of women, leading to improved reproductive healthcare outcomes.
  • Amplifying Voices: Health tech data can amplify the voices of women and marginalized communities by providing objective evidence of their experiences and challenges. Through platforms that collect and analyze health data, women can share their stories, experiences, and barriers they face in accessing reproductive healthcare. By leveraging this data, advocates can advocate for policy changes, raise awareness, and influence public opinion, ensuring that women's reproductive rights are a priority. 

News Capsule

Call out of the week

US Guidelines recommend regular mammograms after 40. Read more. 

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That's it for this week. Special thanks to SPAG, a FINN Partner company for their ongoing support for this weekly column.

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