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PR: The New Marketing MVP in the Digital Age: Concept PR's Sandesh Advani explains

Credit: Sandesh Advani

In the swiftly evolving digital age landscape, the traditional communication and marketing paradigms have transformed significantly. One of the most prominent shifts has been the decreasing effectiveness of conventional advertising and the simultaneous rise of public relations (PR) strategies. The digital world has changed how we communicate and how brands engage with their audiences. This article delves into the factors contributing to the fall of advertising and the concurrent rise of PR in the digital era, focusing on India-specific examples.

The Decline of Traditional Advertising

Traditional advertising, once the bedrock of marketing efforts, has seen its influence diminish in recent years. The old approach of bombarding audiences with intrusive, one-way messages no longer resonates as effectively. Several factors contribute to this decline:

  • Ad Saturation and Banner BlindnessIn the digital age, consumers are exposed to many advertisements across various platforms, from websites and social media to mobile apps. This constant bombardment has led to "ad saturation," where audiences become desensitized to traditional advertising messages. Moreover, "banner blindness" has emerged, a psychological phenomenon where users unconsciously ignore banner-like information on websites and applications, making many conventional ad formats almost invisible.
  • Ad Blockers and Ad-Free Platforms: Thanks to ad blockers, consumers now control their online experiences more than ever. Ad-blocking software enables users to filter out intrusive ads, challenging advertisers to reach their target audiences. Furthermore, the rise of ad-free platforms and subscription-based models provides users with alternatives to ad-heavy environments, reducing the reach of traditional advertising.
  • Shift in Consumer Behavior: The digital age has empowered consumers with information, allowing them to research products and services extensively before purchasing. Consequently, consumers are less likely to be influenced solely by traditional advertising. They seek authentic, valuable content that helps them make informed choices rather than being swayed by flashy advertisements.

The Ascent of Public Relations in the Digital Era

As traditional advertising's effectiveness wanes, PR has risen to prominence in the digital landscape. PR leverages storytelling, relationship-building, and engagement to foster a deeper connection between brands and their audiences. Several key factors contribute to the rise of PR:

  • The Power of Storytelling: In the digital age, storytelling has become a powerful tool for brands to connect with their audiences on an emotional and relatable level. PR excels in crafting narratives that resonate with consumers, focusing on real-life experiences, values, and the human aspects of a brand. By telling compelling stories, brands can create authentic connections beyond transactional relationships.
  • Two-Way Communication and Engagement: Unlike traditional advertising, PR emphasizes two-way communication and engagement. Digital platforms allow brands to interact directly with their audiences through social media, blogs, forums, and other interactive channels. This engagement fosters a sense of community, where brands can address concerns, provide valuable insights, and establish themselves as thought leaders in their industries.
  • Building Trust and Credibility: Building trust and credibility is paramount in an era of scepticism and information overload. PR focuses on nurturing relationships with media outlets, influencers, and other authoritative figures. Positive media coverage, influencer endorsements, and genuine customer reviews hold more weight than self-promotional advertisements. Such third-party validation helps establish a brand's credibility and authenticity.
  • Adaptation to Digital Platforms: PR has seamlessly adapted to the digital realm by leveraging various platforms and tools. Social media, for instance, allows brands to communicate directly with their audience, share updates, and address concerns in real-time. Additionally, online press releases, blogs, and content marketing strategies enable brands to disseminate valuable information while establishing themselves as industry experts.

Some Examples of PR's Rise in India

India's digital landscape offers several compelling examples of how PR is becoming increasingly vital:

1. Zomato's Social Media Savvy

Zomato, the Indian restaurant aggregator and food delivery service, has excelled in using social media for PR. Their witty and relatable content on platforms like Twitter and Instagram engages users, addresses concerns humorously, and builds a strong brand personality. For instance, during the COVID-19 lockdown, Zomato's creative campaigns and timely updates kept their audience informed and entertained, reinforcing their brand image positively.

2. Tata Group's Crisis Management

The Tata Group, one of India's largest conglomerates, has effectively used PR to manage crises and maintain its reputation. During the controversy surrounding Tata Nano's safety, the company's transparent communication and engagement with the media and the public helped manage the situation and rebuild trust. Their proactive PR approach ensured that accurate information reached the public, mitigating potential damage to their brand.

The Synergy of Advertising and PR in the Digital World

While the fall of traditional advertising and the rise of PR mark a significant shift in marketing dynamics, it's essential to recognize that both approaches can complement each other in the digital world. The synergy between advertising and PR can create a comprehensive and holistic marketing strategy:

  • Integrated Campaigns: Combining advertising and PR allows brands to create integrated campaigns that leverage the strengths of both approaches. Advertising can still play a role in creating initial awareness and reaching a broader audience. At the same time, PR can deepen engagement, build relationships, and tell meaningful stories that resonate with consumers.
  • Amplifying PR Efforts: Advertising can amplify PR efforts. For instance, if a brand receives positive media coverage or an endorsement from an influencer, advertising can help ensure that this message reaches a wider audience. This approach capitalizes on the credibility established through PR efforts and extends its reach.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Digital platforms provide rich data and insights to inform advertising and PR strategies. By analyzing user engagement, click-through rates, and social media interactions, brands can fine-tune their messaging and optimize their approaches for better results.


The fall of traditional advertising and the rise of PR in the digital world reflect a fundamental shift in how brands communicate and engage with their audiences. The digital age demands authenticity, engagement, and value-driven interactions, and PR has emerged as a potent approach to meet these evolving demands. While traditional advertising still has a role, integrating PR into marketing strategies can create a more holistic and effective approach to building relationships, fostering trust, and driving meaningful connections in the modern digital landscape. As technology advances and consumer behaviours evolve, staying adaptable and embracing new paradigms will remain essential for success in the ever-changing realm of digital marketing.

Sandesh Advani is the executive vice president and lead – government & public sector units vertical at Concept Public Relations India Limited. 

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